The Joy of Failure


Normally we view failure as a negative thing. If we fail at something we tend to think ‘oh no’. How often do you find yourself thinking instead ‘Here’s a great opportunity to become a stronger, more understanding person’?
In reality, failure brings many opportunities. It’s in our times of deepest challenge, loss and reckoning that we will learn the most. These steep learning curves can bring about lasting positive change. Ancient Buddhists used to pray to develop minds like a blacksmith’s anvil and they saw facing challenges as the way to achieve this inner strength. Failure can help us to grow our humility and genuine connection with others. It can lead us to a depth of understanding and compassion that enables us to be of real benefit to others.

Join our Resident Teacher, Kelsang Jangsem, on a journey of appreciation for challenge and failure. Learn how to develop a mind that can welcome failure and anything else that life throws your way. Once we can welcome everything, we have real freedom and we can finally relax.

At this Half Day Course there will be guided meditations, inspiring teachings and an opportunity to enjoy the company of a community of like minded people. Learn some important tools to help you appreciate failure for what it really is – an incredible opportunity.

Doors open 9.30am
Session 1 10 – 11.15am

Morning Tea 11.15 – 11.45am

Session 2 11.45am – 1pm\


Blackheath Community Centre @ Gardiner Cres, Blackheath NSW 2785, Australia




Through meditateinsydney website

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