Hello, Are You Still There?


Some of us have grown up never knowing a life without the internet. Others have had technology invade their adult lives. Hello, are you still there? explores the impact of technology on the lives of an intergenerational ensemble of artists – asking how do we consider our own relevance in a digital world?
Will these artists rise above and resist becoming obsolete? Or are humans bound to suffer the similar fate of the Sony walkman – no longer useful but considered very cute in a retrospective kind of way? This exciting new ensemble work explores what is it to be seen (or unseen) in a world where ‘views’ are everything.

Directed by Natalie Rose and Margot Politis
Devised by members of the Harness Ensemble and Milk Crate Theatre collaborative artists


Shopfront Theatre @ 88 Carlton Parade, Carlton NSW


Tickets: Adult $25/ Concession $20 / Shopfront or Playwave Member $15



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