Dignified Exit: A Young Company Production


“Oh look…there’s a door!”
Join the 2024 Young Company for a twisting tale of manicured ghosts, divorced morticians and terrified travel agents as they each seek their own Dignified Exit.
Every living thing has a song, a type of music that leaves behind a gap once we’re gone. As time runs out, and our songs end, Young Company are facing it all with a smile. Building unlikely friendships, confronting death and trying very hard to not knock over the Pancreas Bucket, Dignified Exit is witty, upbeat and a little jazzy, reminding us all that our time is limited, so we should use it.
Directed by Lauren Oakes and Lily Hayman
Devised by Young Company


Shopfront Theatre @ 88 Carlton Parade, Carlton NSW


Tickets: Adult $25/ Concession $20 / Shopfront or Playwave Member $15


shopfront website

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