Faure Requiem


Sydney Chamber Choir
Sam Allchurch | Conductor
Angela Brun | Soprano
Andrew O'Connor | Baritone
Thomas Wilson | Organ

Celebrate the warmth and wonder of the choral sound with Gabriel Fauré’s sublime and radiant Requiem. Blending the pure lines of Gregorian chant with the elegance and intensity of his own melodic genius, wrapped in delicate yet sensually lush harmonies, Fauré re-invented the Requiem in the image of love. Gentle, tender and infinitely compassionate, this is an intimate musical embrace that speaks straight to the heart with courage and honesty.

And there’s more! Smiling Mendelsssohn and two exquisite motets from Australian composer Brooke Shelley. Join us for an unforgettable concert of pure choral pleasure.


St James' Church, 173 King Street, Sydney, NSW 2000


Tickets from $50 (concessions available) Students and Under 30s $30



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